Insights Blog


The Ripple Effects of Health Education and Personal Growth: A Series

At first glance, you might think these blogs are solely about nutrition education, but they are so much more. 


The Psychological Benefits of Health-Focused Work

In this blog I share some fascinating findings of my dissertation project related to health education and nutrition.


Professional Growth through Wellness Program

Professional growth often comes from unexpected places, in this case from teaching nutrition education programs.


Working with a Multicultural Researcher and Moderator...

Ensure your research resonates with the right audience, whether Hispanics or GenPop.


Traditions that Inspire and Market Research

12 Grapes, 12 Wishes, and Zero Choking! Discover how a tasty New Year’s ritual can unlock insights for brands, and a world of opportunities.


5 Tips to Keep in Mind when Choosing a Multilingual Market Research Moderator

There are many qualities to keep in mind when choosing to work with a market research moderator or researcher. 


Collectivism and Individualism in Multicultural Research

While U.S. culture is often characterized by being individualistic, Latino cultures frequently embrace collectivist values. 


7 Must-Know Facts About Hispanic Consumers That Brands Can’t Ignore

Dive into the vibrant world of Hispanic consumers! Here are seven compelling reasons why brands can't afford to overlook this dynamic market.


The Top Ten Traits of an Effective Focus Group Moderator

Is there a difference between a moderator and an interviewer? Understanding the differences could help when working with a professional moderator.


You’re Not Alone: Everyone’s Asking These Questions!

Here are 3 common questions I get asked often as a Hispanic researcher and consumer.


Are your consumers Hispanic, Latino, or Latinx?

As the Hispanic population continues to grow, an increasing number of brands start allocating more resources into learning more about this diverse market. 


What Is Market Research?

Read more about the art of decoding customer secrets (and maybe a little detective work) to crack the code on your product’s success.


What Are The Types of Market Research?

This blog explains the four types of market research and how they are used to help businesses gain a competitive advantage.


Marketing to Hispanics in Colorado

Spicing Up Marketing: I led a workshop on reaching Hispanic consumers at Fort Collins Startup Week, in Colorado.


Latino Chamber of Commerce

Guest Speaker at the Latino Chamber of Commerce in Boulder County about engaging Hispanic consumers and understanding the culture.


Online Translation Tools for Communication

When using online translation tools, keep in mind human translation is still superior, as AI can make some embarrassing mistakes.


What Spanish dialect do you speak?

I am often asked, "what Spanish dialect dialect do you speak when communicating? Did you know Spanish has several dialects?


El COVID-19, su negocio y recursos disponibles…

Lastimosamente, muchos negocios fueron afectados por el virus COVID-19 de alguna u otra forma. 


Let Freedom Ring!

As we get ready to celebrate Independence Day in the United States, I can't help but think of what this freedom means to me. 

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