Hola (pronounced Oh-Lah) means hello in Spanish.

Hola (pronounced Oh-Lah) means hello in Spanish.


When your research firm needs in-depth interviews, focus groups, or shop-alongs, Hola Insights delivers culturally-sensitive insights.


Add Hispanic Insights to Increase Your Firm's Revenue

Brands know that Hispanics are the fastest-growing segment of the population in the United States. With 59% growth between 2010 and 2021, the Latino market is too profitable to ignore. That means your research firm can secure more contracts when you have a Hispanic insights expert on your team. 
We are skilled moderators, and we are also bi-lingual and experts in the Hispanic cultures. (Did you know there are several segments within the Hispanic population?) Our abilities will open up a world of new business to your research firm. 
When your client needs to reach the Hispanic market, call us. We can open the door to a world of possibilities for you.


Not Just Moderators. We are Facilitators.

You can expect a competent moderator to show up when you hire a research professional. A good moderator can keep the conversation flowing, but a skilled facilitator brings the interviews and insights to life for your clients. 

Facilitate Multi-Cultural Insights

When it comes to multi-cultural research, you need someone who can analyze the qualitative data with the view of a cultural native. From start to finish, from discussion guide to final report, we bring a multi-cultural lens to the process to make your research firm stand apart from other firms.
If you're curious what a multi-cultural insights professional can do for your firm, talk to us. We are happy to demonstrate our value.


We Protect Your Client Relationships

We work with you in whatever capacity works best to deliver quality to your clients. We will never seek to be client-facing unless you request it. We can work in the background, white labeling our services. 

On Time and On Budget

We know you have deadlines to meet and promises to keep, so we are conscientious to be a partner you can trust. If we tell you we can meet the deadline, we can and we will.

Better Communication

Yes, of course we think we're good communicators. We are bi-lingual, after all. But we also believe in frequent, pro-active communication to ensure you're never left guessing. With Hola Insights, you will get clear communications, in English and Spanish, if you prefer.

Natalia Infante Caylor, Ph.D. is a member of these professional research organizations


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